WWW Wednesday – August 12, 2020

Since I’m really enjoying checking in here weekly, I’m going to continue doing the WWW Wednesday tag hosted by Taking on a World of Words. I like having a chance mid-week to share what I’m reading and see what you guys are up to, as well.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m currently in the middle of three books. I’m having a difficult time focusing this week as I’m really focusing on getting ready to teach next week and I think my current reading situation reflects that. I’m reading The Complete Stories by Zora Neale Hurston and decided to catch up so that I can read a short story each day and finish it on the last day of the month. It gives me something to either start or end my day with. I’m out of practice with reading books written in regional dialect so that has slowed me down but I’m getting the hang of it, I think.

I’m also listening to the audiobook for Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan. This follows a woman named Serena whose interest in reading gets her an assignment with MI5 to recruit and fund writers who would write stories that politically aligned with the British government in the 1970s. I like Ian McEwan’s writing but feel pretty indifferent to the story right now. It has been nice having something to listen to while I build my courses, though.

Lastly, I’m reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. I’m only about four chapters in and all I know is “weird boarding school” but I’m really enjoying it. There’s definitely an element of mystery that I’m excited by and am ready to see how these pieces that are dropped throughout the beginning come together. The writing is also so fantastic. It has the same beauty I remember from The Remains of the Day. I am moving a little slower than I’d like, but this might just be me at the beginning of a new semester.

I’ve only finished one book since last week – The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I’m not even mad about that being the only thing I’ve finished because I loved it so much. I love the narrative structure and the subtle mystery. I also wasn’t bored by any of the romance (something that usually happens to me). Also, the last 100 pages or so were heartbreaking. I felt like I was always on the verge of tears. What a great read! I’m so glad I finally picked it up.

I’m really torn about what I want to read next. I’m feeling kind of detached from everything I’m picking up and keep thinking about whether I want to throw out my TBR or keep going. If I stick to my TBR, I’ll be picking up The Titan’s Curse and continuing the Percy Jackson series. That might really interest me but I also don’t want to pick it up while I’m in a slump and it taint my enjoyment of the series. If I throw out my TBR, I know I’ll pick up the next two issues of the One Piece manga. I’m currently torn between wanting to binge all my manga (it’s a lot) and wanting to space them out and savor them. I guess we’ll see what happens next week!

Have you read any of these books? What are you reading? If you participate in WWW Wednesday, link me your posts!

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I'm somehow done with school and I still want to talk about books.

25 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday – August 12, 2020”

  1. I hope you end up loving Never Let Me Go! It has such a crazy twist and it is really lovely, in a heartbreaking kind of way. I needed to take a break and read something light after finishing it, but it was worth the ride. I would also recommend watching to movie adaptation, it was beautiful as well. Happy reading!

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  2. Good luck with starting teaching next week! This is already a stressful time of year without the world totally falling apart🙃. I’ve always wanted to read Never Let Me Go – I saw the movie a while back before I knew it was a book and really enjoyed it. Can’t wait to see what you think. I haven’t read the Percy Jackson series in years but I adore them. I also feel like I’m in a bit of a slump, I always request a bunch of books from NetGalley and then end up not enjoying them but feel pressured to finish them😅. My bad! Hope you enjoy your books this week!

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    1. Thanks! The theaching thing certainly is interesting because I’ve had to redesign everything over the summer and I just don’t know how it’s going to go. Terrifying, by.

      I’m really liking Never Let Me Go so far! I like the feeling of not being sure exactly what’s going on.

      I’ll honestly probably read like 9 issues of manga in a row after this while I’m adjusting to pandemic teaching.


    1. Atonement is my favorite book of all time (and film). I just… don’t care about Sweet Tooth. There’s nothing bad, it’s just not exciting. Also I think I don’t like spy books in general so here we are. Plus I already know the narrative twist (I found out by accident) so there’s nothing here for me lol But I have less than 100 pages left at this point, so.


    1. It’s definitely the favorite of my current reads. It feels like everything is almost normal but *something* is off and I’m not sure what yet. Considering that’s EXACTLY how all of my dreams are, I’m into it!

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  3. I’ve read all of these except The Complete Stories – I also adored Evelyn Hugo, and I love the entire Percy Jackson series, so you’ve got some good picks in here! 😊 I also really liked the concept of Never Let Me Go, but somehow, it didn’t really stick with me that much… It’s still a good book though, just not a favorite 😉

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  4. I’m glad you enjoyed Evelyn Hugo, since it’s one of my favorite books. I hope everything goes wells next week, as far as is possible. And I believe you should pick what you feel more like reading or it’ll push you more into an slump. Mangas and graphic novels are always a nice read. I hope you enjoy whatever you end up reading 🥰 (I should definitely read something from Ishiguro one of these days).

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    1. Thank you! I’ve been needing to be at my computer pretty much all day this week so I’ve been listening to a bunch of Arthur Miller plays on audio. I didn’t expect to end up doing that but here I am lol

      I’m liking Never Let Me Go but I *highly* recommend The Remains of the Day. So good!

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  5. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Never Let Me Go! I haven’t read it yet but I’m definitely interested in it. I take Zora Neale Hurston’s works pretty slowly as well and I’m not used to reading dialects as well, but she ended up becoming an author that I love. I hope you enjoy it too!

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  6. I’m such a mood reader and I’ve had to alter my TBR twice already! haha. I am needing to continue the Percy Jackson series.I’m going to try and get to book 3 this month but it’s a hefty month already. Happy Reading! 🙂

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    1. I’m not usually a mood reader but this month, I’m becoming one. Somehow I’m finding myself listening to productions of Arthur Miller plays (I physically own the full collection) since I have to be at my computer constantly for the next week or so. Not what I expected to be reading this month but here I am!

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